Boxes can be small or large, with designs in crazy colors or minimal designs. However, all boxes have to do their job.

Is there perfect packaging?

We asked this question, not without reason. While many of the marketing channels deliver good results, only the packaging of the product reaches every customer. This is the element that starts the dialogue and is the subject of the first evaluation.

In a way - each box is perfect for starting a conversation like this. However, for a box to be truly “perfect”, it must have all of the following characteristics:

The box should grab attention

Use a box to create a wow effect.

Packaging should be the beginning of the experience. The client should be inspired by the design in order to take a photo, share it on social networks. This does not mean that the box has to be very bright or complex in shape.


Packaging durability is one of the biggest challenges in our industry.

It is important to remember the weight and dimensions of the future product. While gift boxes are ideal for most merchandise, four-valve boxes solve the problems associated with large sizes and long-distance delivery.

Packaging is a way to communicate your brand

The box conveys the main idea of ​​the brand.

Look at the box as a dialogue with your client. If you want to emphasize your “green, caring for the environment,” Eco craft boxes are a good choice.

However, if your brand is more innovative and progressive, play around with the box designs. The goal should be to draw the consumer's attention to specific features of the product or brand.

Product protection

The box should ensure the safety of the goods - sounds trite?

Probably yes, but this is indeed one of the most important functions that packaging performs. Nobody wants to pay, wait patiently for delivery, and all this in order to receive a broken thing or broken glass.

There are boxes that amaze with their design creativity

Some of them have strange, unexpected shapes, often at the expense of functionality.
Nothing is more annoying if the discovery is not intuitive and takes too long. The risk of damage to the goods inside increases. A difficult discovery can affect a negative assessment of a product

The box can be visually stunning, convey brand identity, but if it does not 100% protect the product, it should be discarded.

To read more articles like how to make custom cardboard boxes please visit our website SM Custom Packaging.


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