It took you six months to find it, then 8 hours to wear it, and probably two weeks to wonder what you were going to do with it. Each of you has your sentimental vision of the wedding dress, and do not force yourself to keep it on principle or discard it reluctantly. The wedding dress represents the essence of marriage for a woman, and it is often the first question she asks herself: "Which dress will I choose for my big day? Then, what we do not imagine is that once D-Day has passed, it will probably be necessary to find a small place in the house for it and probably never to use it again. First of all, it is essential to go through the cleaning box! And this, as soon as possible. I advise you to do it in the week following your wedding, especially if you are going directly on your honeymoon, entrust it to your mother or a friend, and you will get it back on your return. Rangjah provide the best Pakistani Dresses online UK. Then, you can look at these few ideas to know what to do with your wedding dress after the wedding according to your desires and your sentimental load:            

Keep it: for sentimentalists!

For most women, the value that the wedding dress represents to you is invaluable, and you want to keep it, or you are motivated by: "I keep it, you never know." So, no problem, here are some tips on where and how to store it:

Store it with dignity! Too often, wedding dresses have an uncertain future in a box between the ski business and our old clothes that we no longer wear. Therefore, it is important to take care of their conservation to avoid their deterioration over time: away from humidity and light, and without risk of folds or deformation. For this, the website: J'aime ma robe offers you preservation boxes for your wedding dress! From 90 to 180 euros you will manage to keep your dress in a beautiful case. In addition, you will also find accessories such as tissue paper, organic moth repellent, hanger covers, or conservation pouches on the site.

Please put it on display: I think it's a great idea! Indeed, installed on a mannequin-like work of art in your dressing room or your room, each time you contemplate it, you will remember this magical day. Especially if your wedding dress was a big part of your wedding budget, indeed looking at it every day after having worn it only a few hours will give you the satisfaction of profitability.

Sell it, for the thrifty!

If you are not particularly fond of your wedding dress, this can be a good idea. Even if this process is still debated: "Can we get married in someone else's dress?" Or "Do I want someone to get married in my dress? When you have asked yourself these questions, you can start selling it. The only condition is that you have kept it in very good condition.

Resale sites: Leboncoin, Vinted, Ebay, Vide dressing

Specialized resale platform: Cotton seeds, Oh my Robe, Fortunée, Dressing club, Weddalia, Juliettesemarie

Tip: When buying your wedding dress, for example, the post-wedding resale argument can motivate you to buy a favorite dress that will exceed your budget a bit.

Praise her for the green people!

Or the rental of wedding dresses can be very interesting! Rented at around 1/3 of the selling price, profitability can quickly be achieved; the only problem is conservation after several marriages. But it remains a good solution for you or other future brides who do not necessarily have the budget to buy their wedding dress or simply for ecological conscience.

  • Give it away, for the generosity!


Then here is an even simpler and very altruistic idea! Whether it is for someone you know or not, buying a wedding dress is sometimes complicated for some people, mainly due to budget issues.

Pass it on: I love the idea that a wedding dress is passed down from generation to generation because it's a great story to tell; however, tastes, trends evolve as well as sizes that may differ from a mom to his daughter, for example.

Please give it to an association: some future brides wish to have a pretty dress for their wedding but unfortunately cannot afford it. The associations: Habits   Fête, Consoglobe, Emmaus, the Salvation Army collect wedding dresses for the most disadvantaged.

  • Recycle it for DIY enthusiasts!

There is little chance that you will be able to put your wedding dress back on after D-Day. But, if you want to keep it and continue to put it on to remind yourself of this wonderful day, it is possible! This is called: redesigned, remastered, or even recycled. Rangjah provide the best Pakistani clothing brand in UK .So, my only advice: pay attention to the dresses' volumes and fabrics and do it by a professional!

Short It: Create a Cropped Knee-Length or Above Summer Cocktail Dress

Dyeing: The color white inevitably refers to the wedding dress, and the fact of dyeing it is indeed an unstoppable solution to recover a trendy bustier or a formal dress.

Cut it in half: It's even easier if you have chosen a 2-piece dress because the idea of ​​cutting it to make a crisp top or a rock's roll petticoat is trendy.

Dismantle it: Keep the buttons for a jacket or the veil for decoration in the baby's room or bassinet, then reuse the pieces of fabric to make a headband or silk lingerie. Indeed, everything is reusable!


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