Glomerulonephritis in children symptoms diagnosis treatment
There are two types of disease chronic and acute glomerulonephritis in children, which differ in causes and symptoms. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in USA.
Sharp The reason is an infectious disease, the symptoms are
pronounced, the child's condition deteriorates sharply. With timely detection
is treatable and proceeds in most cases without complications.
Chronic Chronic, so-called diffuse glomerulonephritis is a more
severe, inflammatory process in the kidneys, which gradually leads to the death
of the glomeruli. The cause of the disease is often not noticed in time,
untreated acute form of glomerulonephritis. Requires long-term inpatient
treatment and recovery period. Chronic glomerulonephritis is much less common
in children: in 100 cases of acute disease, only two are chronic. possible
complications In addition to the fact that the chronicity of the inflammatory
process in the glomeruli of the kidneys in itself is a consequence of the lack
of therapy for acute forms of the disease, complications of the disease can
also be:
pulmonary edema;
renal eclampsia;
hemorrhage into the brain;
The strongest seizures; nephrotic
encephalopathy; acute or chronic renal or heart failure. Drug treatment As
mentioned above, in diseases such as glomerulonephritis, the symptoms and
treatment in children and adults are completely the same. The fight against
infection begins with the use of penicillin drugs. Warming up the kidney area
helps in the treatment of anuria. With azotemia and hyperkalemia, if this
condition lasts more than six days, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis is
used. At an exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis with the minimum change
of glomeruli cytostatics and glucocorticoids are used for treatment.
Prednisolone is prescribed. One milligram per kilogram of body weight is
administered for six or eight weeks, followed by a rapid dose reduction to five
milligrams per week. If the activity of CKD is high, Prednisolone is used, but
drip (three days once a day.
Alternative drugs used in
treatment: drugs "Cyclosporine" and "Azathioprine". They
are prescribed in cases where there is a high risk of renal failure. types of
disease Glomerulonephritis has a fairly large classification. The pathology can
be primary, ie develop under the direct influence of a pathological factor (eg,
streptococcal infection) on kidney tissue, or secondary - occur against the
background of autoimmune pathology, such as hemorrhagic vasculitis or systemic
lupus erythematosus. According to the clinical course of the pathology is:
subacute (malignant). Forms of acute
inflammation of the glomeruli:
cyclic (with bright manifestations) can occur
in the following types depending on the predominance of the symptom complex
(syndrome): with nephrotic syndrome (manifested by edema, proteinuria - protein
in the urine); with nephritic syndrome (with very pronounced edema, high levels
of red blood cells, protein, cylinders in the urine, decreased protein
fractions in the blood, hypertension, anemia); with hypertensive syndrome (with
consistently high blood pressure); Acyclic (latent) - erased form with
asymptomatic or asymptomatic course, dangerous imperceptible transition to
chronic progressive inflammation.
The chronic process in children can take place in three ways:
hematuric (with erythrocytes in the urine);
nephrotic (edema and protein in the urine);mixed. According to the prevalence
of the inflammatory process there are forms: minor glomerular changes; diffuse;
focal (focal). According to the localization of inflammation,
glomerulonephritis is divided into: intracapillary (in the vessels of the
glomerulus); extracapillary (in the cavity of the glomerular capsule).
of glomerulonephritis
The first step to recovery Treatment of
glomerulonephritis in children involves hospitalization in a specialized
department. They are assigned to bed rest and mandatory diet. Fats and
carbohydrates are consumed within physiological needs, and the amount of
protein should be limited. Adhere to a strictly protein-free diet will have to
disappear azotemia and oliguria. The amount of salt is also reduced. This
happens until the swelling subsides. Excludes: meat, fish, mushroom broths, smoked
meats, sausages, cheeses, pickled vegetables, canned foods. On the second or
third day of illness you can spend a sugar-fruit day. Adhere to bed rest until
the signs of disease activity disappear. This period lasts about six weeks.
After this time, the child can get up, even if he still has moderate
microscopic hematuria. This is the first step in treatment: diet and bed rest.
Why glomerulonephritis develops in children The main reason for the formation
of kidney disease in children - the penetration of microbes. The most common
pathogens are: streptococci; Glomerulonephritis often develops in children as a
complication after streptococcal sore throat staphylococci; proteus; intestinal
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. But the simple presence of microorganisms is not
enough. The development of
glomerulonephritis also requires the influence of the following factors:
frequent changes in climatic zones;
weakened immunity;
What is glomerulonephritis in
children Glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory lesion of the glomeruli that
leads to dysfunction. The disease has an infectious-allergic nature. In
pediatric nephrology, glomerulonephritis is the second most common, with boys
being twice as likely as girls. In the risk group preschoolers and younger
students - from 3 to 10 years, in children under 2 years of age the disease is
very rare. Inflammation in the glomerular apparatus usually occurs sometime
after bacterial (often streptococcal), viral or parasitic infection.
After infection of the child's body with
pathogenic microflora, circulating immune complexes (CEC) are formed. This is
the body's response to the introduction of foreign agents. The complexes
circulate in the bloodstream and are fixed in the cortical layer of the kidneys,
provoking inflammation of the nephrons with massive damage to their capillary
The process may gradually involve
the renal tubules and the surrounding kidney tissue. Glomerulonephritis is an
inflammation of the capillary glomeruli that are part of the nephrons of the
kidneys What happens to the kidneys The kidneys are composed of nephrons, each
of which is formed from glomeruli - glomeruli of the smallest vessels covered
with a capsule - and a complex system of tubules connected to the collective
tubules leading to the renal pelvis.
It is in the capillary glomeruli that the
blood entering the kidneys is first filtered and the so called primary urine is
separated. The giandliverconsultants provide the best
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