Cardiovascular diseases today occur not only in the elderly but also in
people under 30 years.
Those that take place in a latent form are of particular interest to professionals, as they are considered particularly dangerous. The giandliverconsultants provide the best gastrointestinal consultants in Irvine. These include myocardial infarction, which often passes without any signs to humans. This is a type of coronary heart disease in which necrosis develops in certain areas of muscle tissue.
Potential danger
Many patients do not take microinfarction seriously because they focus
on the name, which uses "micro." This condition is dangerous and
requires specialist attention. It is difficult to diagnose because there are
almost no symptoms in the early stages.
If a person suffers from angina, he may not pay attention to the slight
pain in the heart. Both healthy and people with cardiovascular disease will not
be able to identify the characteristic signs of this disease:
Different intensity of pain. Sudden cutting pain is characteristic of a
heart attack but may indicate a microinfarction. Typical pain is burning,
squeezing, and almost unbearable. It is localized between the shoulder blades,
passes to the chest, descends to the abdomen, and gives in to the neck and arm.
In addition, some patients complain of lower jaw pain. Atypical variants of the
disease pass with the complete absence of painful sensations. It is possible to
record a microinfarction only on an ECG in such cases. Usually, such patients
are surprised to learn that they have suffered from the disease on their feet.
No effect of nitroglycerin. This symptom may also indicate necrosis of
myocardial tissue.
Weakness and cold sweat all over the body. This symptom may indicate
several other diseases but is also a manifestation of microinfarction.
Fear, anxiety. The symptoms of microinfarction can be distinguished from
a real panic attack if the attack does not pass in 20-30 minutes. This sign is
due to objective reasons. The patient feels discomfort and pain in the chest
and other body parts. The body seems to give him a signal of impending doom.
The signs of microinfarction are often similar to the manifestations of
infarction. But when only a few small areas are affected, all these symptoms
are less pronounced.
Signs that deserve attention
People who have had focal cardiac necrosis often ignore medical
attention. This is easy to explain because fatigue, weakness, and low heart
rate can cause few people to think of a heart attack. Usually, the patient has
thoughts of mild illness, so he does not think about the serious consequences.
The asymptomatic course is especially difficult to diagnose, misleading
both patients and doctors.
There are several forms of the disease, which have certain inherent
Asthmatic: It usually occurs in elderly patients with hypertension or
coronary heart disease. Usually, there is no pain, but there is shortness of
breath, shortness of breath. When shortness of breath is a key symptom, it is
difficult to think about myocardial damage.
Abdominal: Occurs in the so-called diaphragmatic infarction. The pain
is localized in the epigastric region; flatulence develops in parallel. All
this confuses, forcing experts to suspect pathologies associated with the
gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the patient is referred for an ultrasound
and X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, which gives him the appropriate
Arrhythmic: There may be moderate pain or no pain. After the
examination, a rhythm disorder is recorded. Usually, doctors diagnose
arrhythmia with this form.
Cerebral: The key symptom is a headache. There may also be impaired motor
activity, dizziness. Atypical variants are characterized by pain in atypical
places, such as right arm and leg, back.
They coincide with those that occur in normal myocardial infarction. In
most cases, the disease provokes atherosclerosis of the arteries with
subsequent coronary vessels' thrombosis that fills the myocardium with blood.
When a blood clot forms inside the coronary artery, it creates the
preconditions for possible damage to the heart muscle tissue. The material for
it is atherosclerotic plaques that stick to the walls of blood vessels.
As soon as there is damage to the blood clot with hemorrhage in the
plaque, there is stagnation in blood flow. The myocardium suffers from a lack
of oxygen and nutrients, its necrosis occurs.
Among other reasons that allow recognizing the pathology, note:
- increase in cholesterol
- changes in the wall of local
- increased platelet
- physical and emotional
- smoking;
Microinfarction is more common in men. Sex hormones produced by the body
protect young women. In the postmenstrual period, they lose this protection.
Surprisingly, according to many cardiologists, overeating can be the
most dangerous factor that can provoke a heart attack. The more a person eats
smoked, canned food, the worse his heart works. Salty foods work similarly.
Animal fats should not be abused to minimize possible risks. Very useful for
the myocardium vegetables, fish, steamed. But these products should be consumed
in moderation to prevent overeating. If this happens, the myocardium will feel
the load. Therefore, the statement that "you need to get up from the table
a little hungry" has a rational grain.
In young people:
Microinfarction in this category of patients is especially dangerous
because this disease is particularly common in people aged 25 to 50 years.
Symptoms, the first signs of microinfarction in women and men may differ.
However, men are prone to it more often. In addition, the disease occurs in
most cases with complications.
On the other hand, because women do not have clear symptoms or resemble
signs of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, an accurate diagnosis is
rarely made. This adversely affects the prognosis.
At the same time, cardiologists say that the signs of microinfarction in
women are the same as in men, just as the habit of tolerating all the fairer
sex to the last pull with a visit to the doctor.
Particular attention should be paid to adverse symptoms in the first day
and even an hour. It is during this period that irreversible health
consequences can occur.
First aid
It is difficult to predict when and under what circumstances you will
catch up with a microinfarction. But if such a situation has arisen at home,
you can ask someone nearby to provide first aid. Similarly, feeling bad on the
street, do not be ashamed of outsiders. On the contrary, you need to feel free
to ask for help to avoid unwanted consequences.
It would help if you took an aspirin tablet, which should be chewed. It
is also necessary to put nitroglycerin under the tongue, measuring the pressure
in advance, because it cannot be used in hypotension. If you do not have a
device for measuring blood pressure, you can put no more than 1 tablet under
the tongue. But your first aid kit should have nitroglycerin. You should buy
this drug in the form of a spray because it acts quickly. It is important to
stock up on aspirin, which will need to be chewed in unforeseen circumstances.
Treatment of pathology
Microinfarction is treated on the same principles as major heart
disease. The selection of a treatment plan remains the prerogative of the
cardiologist. The clinical picture carries out the appointment of certain
drugs. Experts recommend lifelong anticoagulants for people who have already
suffered from myocardial necrosis, regardless of the extent of the lesion.
Usually, patients who have suffered a heart attack in any form carry
drugs in case of relapse.
Recovery period
Special rules should be followed for patients after microinfarction to ensure effective rehabilitation. Their observance plays no less important role than immediate treatment. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in Irvine. Attacks can recur, gradually leading to serious changes in the heart's muscle tissue. What recommendations should be followed in the recovery period:
Adhere to sleep and rest, alternate periods of relaxation with strenuous
exercise. It is impossible to allow overfatigue, to transfer burdens.
The first light exercises are prescribed a few days after stabilization
in the hospital. Short walks are great for strengthening the heart. It is very
useful to be outdoors in the morning and evening.
Avoid stress. People in the recovery period need positive
emotions without excess because it can damage the heart to some extent.
Eat right. The menu should be balanced. It is necessary to exclude smoked,
fried, and salty. Neutral products should be used. Dried fruits are especially
useful for the myocardium.
The disease, in most cases, is manifested through an unbalanced
lifestyle, regular stress. Microinfarction is also more common in people over
55 years. It is better to prevent such disease than deal with its consequences.
First of all, you should limit fatty foods consumption and give up alcohol and
tobacco. If the disease overtakes a person, it is necessary to strictly follow
the recommendations of a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable here.
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