Polycystic kidney disease is a congenital disease caused by a mutation in a gene (PKHD1 or PKD1). It is accompanied by the formation of multiple cavities in the kidneys, ie cysts. Structural changes in parenchymal tissue cause organ dysfunction. The giandliverconsultants provide the best gastrointestinal consultants in USA .Polycystic kidney disease is considered to be a type of cystic dysplasia that causes cysts to form in other organs, such as the pancreas and spleen. Patients are often diagnosed with polycystic liver and kidney disease. 

Causes and symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

There are two forms of this genetically determined pathology - autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive. The cause of polycystosis is an inherited disorder or spontaneous mutations of genes located in the 16th pair of chromosomes.

The disease is more severe if the defective gene is inherited by autosomal recessive type; such patients develop severe functional disorders much faster, ie chronic renal failure.

Smoking and drinking a lot of coffee are factors that contribute to faster renal dysfunction. It is noted that polycystic kidney disease is more severe in men.

Until the damage to the kidney tissue reaches a critical level, no symptoms are detected.

·         Clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease:

·         feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region;

·         dull pain of varying intensity in the projection of the kidneys;

·         general weakness;

·         constant fatigue and reduced efficiency;

·         worsening or loss of appetite;

·         diuresis disorders (increase in the amount of urine excreted);

·         frequent thirst;

·         increase in the size of the organ (detected during palpation).

·         Signs of renal failure:

·         hypertension (increased blood pressure);

·         itchy skin;

·         significant weight loss on the background of loss of appetite;

·         arrhythmias;

·         nausea;

·         bowel disorders (constipation or diarrhea);

·         hyperthermia (temperature may rise to 39 ° -40 ° C);

febrile reaction

If you have one or more symptoms, it is recommended to consult a nephrologist, pass tests and undergo a complete examination. How to treat polycystic kidney disease, in which clinics can help patients with this disease, you will learn on our website: Dobrobut.com.

Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Diagnosis includes:

·         detailed collection of anamnesis (family also);

·         analysis of lifestyle and work;

·         diagnosis of concomitant diseases;

·         palpation examination;

·         detection of pain when tapping in the lower back;

·         laboratory tests of blood and urine tests;

·         determination of glomerular filtration rate;

·         additional research methods (ultrasound, CT, nephroscintigraphy);

medical and genetic research

Modern diagnostic techniques contribute to the early detection of polycystic kidney disease in newborns. Ultrasound scan, which is routinely performed during pregnancy, can even diagnose polycystic kidney disease.

Treatment of concomitant pyelonephritis is provided, which can slow the progression of renal failure. Patients diagnosed with the disease need regular blood pressure monitoring.

Specific treatments for polycystic kidney disease that can affect the primary mechanisms of pathology have not yet been developed. Patient care is symptomatic and renoprotective therapy, which aims to stabilize blood pressure (reduction to at least 130/90) and relief of inflammation of the renal pelvis.

In end-stage renal disease, only peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, and donor organ transplantation can save a patient's life.

Features of food

With polycystic kidney disease, treatment involves diet. You need to reduce salt intake, as sodium chloride puts extra strain on the kidneys and helps increase blood pressure. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in USA . It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contain caffeine, as this substance accelerates the growth of cystic formations in the kidneys. The patient is advised to limit the intake of fatty foods and proteins, as well as consume enough fluids (1.5-2 liters of clean water per day).

Is it possible to bear a child with polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic kidney disease and pregnancy are compatible, but the woman must undergo a complete examination and strictly follow the recommendations. If the doctor believes that there are no absolute contraindications for childbirth, additional treatment will be prescribed to improve the functional activity of the kidneys, because during childbirth the load on this organ increases significantly.


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