Over time, the amount of melanin also produced decreases, making the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and favoring skin aging.

The lack of elastin, a protein that makes the skin soft, also plays a specific role.

Its decrease causes an increase in the skin volume and phenomena such as the double chin.

The face is the part of the body that maintains a direct relationship with the world around us. Doctor Ali provides the best health and wellness center in the USA. It is mainly through it that the human being expresses feelings and emotions.

Aging causes the loss of subcutaneous fat and dermal collagen with the consequent appearance of wrinkles.

Another system responsible 

For the formation of wrinkles is the aponeurotic system (the band that covers the muscles of the whole body), responsible for maintaining the facial tone because it is rather superficial and directly attached to the mimic muscles.

The facial musculature is responsible for our expressions; there is a muscle for each function, and all together, they act to give us a personalized facial expression.

Alterations in facial expressions are often a source of frustration, and when they are due to neurological problems (such as facial nerve palsy), they are also a big problem.

Let's think about those who work there with their appearance (artists, actors, etc.), and what can cause such a sudden change in their face in terms of image.

Transformations over time, therefore due to aging, have a multifactorial etiology. Notwithstanding that we all age, the evolution and appearance of wrinkles (or skin folds) on the face indeed depend on:

Climatic aspects linked to the area of ​​origin: living at the equator certainly exposes the skin more to premature aging (loss of elasticity) than those who live in the Baltic countries;

Congenital aspects, linked to family predisposition, because each strain has a different bias towards different pathologies, in this case of the skin, predisposing over time to the appearance or loss of certain aspects;

Anthropological aspects, linked to the somatic characteristics of the area of ​​origin of the population (Eskimos, Africans, Japanese, etc.)

Factors related to habits and lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, being obese, and having an incorrect diet have an influence both on the elasticity of the tissues and on the renal and hepatic function, which are closely correlated with the organ curtain.

There are various types:


of expression: immediately present and are linked to the muscular contraction that determines the facial expressions that make us unique, linked to our emotions, and can increase or decrease over time;

·         frontal and periocular (crow's feet);

·         eye and lip contour ;

·         Sleep, i.e., those related to the pressure of the face on the pillow. As the hours go by, they disappear, but over time they tend to persist;

·         linked to gravity, which has a "weight" action on the skin;

·         Actinic, related to exposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning lamps.


The diagnosis is clinical; that is, instrumental tests are generally not necessary to evaluate the entity and type of wrinkles by the dermatologist, the plastic surgeon, the aesthetic doctor.

An accurate medical history is always essential, i.e., the collection of information from the patient about his cosmetic habits, his lifestyle, the type of work activity and sun exposure, the dietary regime, the presence of any concomitant pathologies, and drug therapies in progress. This allows you to identify particular risk factors for the onset of wrinkles and to set up more targeted and specific treatments.

Some machines can integrate the clinician's assessment in doubtful cases:

·         measure the skin temperature, to test the level of vascularization of the skin;

·         calculate the pH of the skin, which should generally be acidic (basic in some oily skin)

·         geometry, to quantify the presence of superficial lipids;

·         corneometry, to evaluate the hydration of the stratum corneum of the skin;

·        method of skin impressions, which, thanks to the use of silicone resins, allows to assess the depth of the wrinkle;

·         Chemiluminescence (dermatologist) for the differential diagnosis of skin lesions. Dr Esaam provides the best Colon cancer treatment in the USA.


The pillars of wrinkle care and treatment are:

·         lifestyle correction;

·         natural remedies;

·         Dermatofunctional physiotherapy (FDF)

·         Aesthetic treatments.


Correcting our lifestyle is the basis of the concept of "taking care of yourself," or sacrifices to obtain a result.

So supporting a healthy diet, eliminating smoking, minimizing alcohol consumption, exercising, hydrating, and cleansing the skin allows for a preventive and containment action on the appearance of wrinkles.

You can also use supplements based on antioxidants (e.g., carotenoids, flavonoids, zinc, vitamin C) or substances "precursors" of hyaluronic acid, the building block of our collagen.

Natural remedies

Of undisputed validity but which require constant use, they are:

·         various oils such as argon, jojoba, olive, baobab;

·         egg whites;

·         snail slime;

·         Bananas;

·         Some medicinal plants such as evening primrose and purslane.

Dermatofunctional physiotherapy

The FDF intervenes in this field by bringing the experience of some pioneers of the branch (such as Dr. Patricia Froes Meyers, author of many publications) who have put in place effective and long-lasting personalized intervention protocols.

For the treatment of wrinkles, the following are carried out:

Manual therapy techniques for the treatment of facial flaccidity (prevalent in FDF), which through specific mobilization exercises stimulate the production of collagen fibres and synovial fluid, elasticize the tissues and decrease pain.

These techniques, therefore, work on the following structures: superficial aponeurotic muscle system (SMAS) favouring the lifting effect on the face. Doctor Ali provides the best holistic medicine center in the USA. On the skin tending vascularization and toning, on the muscles leaning their repair and shaping with the acquisition of strength and elasticity.

Massage, which on the face has the purpose of reducing the intensity, frequency, duration of muscle contraction and the entire superficial musculoskeletal system (SMAS);


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